Saturday, January 23, 2010

Awakening Alarm

"You all are PARROTS!" quoted by our Miss BEL260.then she continued "You all only can say "HELLO!HELLO!".We laugh without knowing what she's trying to say. Then she explain to us, by asking how we studied. All most 99.9%(saja maw gete tulis percentage) of my classmates said by memorizing the lecturer's notes. Well its kinda the truth.She's said that we only memorize it without understanding then pour it into the exam hall then forget all about it and continue the same thing for the next sem, then when 3 years of diploma finish our brain is yet still zero bcause of MR.MEMORIZE. Then, i realize for about 13 years of studying (OMG,its been soo fast yet stil not ended :D)i'hv been memorizing but yet understand a lil bit i hope soo.hahaha:D she once reminded us again that we are digging our own grave rite now by the time we finish studying we can jump into the grave. Malaysia' education push the students by memorizing all the note all for the sake of passing the ezamination. How about the quote " Learn for Knowledge" did we practic it in our life? i guess the answer will be "NO". Its only based on examinations. However hving examination is good is a practice.(i cant believe i just said that) :D. Parents always pushes their children to get straight A's but do us understand it. I had experience the "memorizing horror" during form 5. There are one of my teacher who forces us to write 200 times for our mistake in order not to forget it. i got all stress out and wont go for school cause im afraid of her.i got depressed and cried all the time but with my parents support i build my strength again. then i survive it!hahaha. And the lecturer's british slang atrract me.hahaha.
so the question now is " will us change our learning techniques?" juz wait and see.
so till the next up8.

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