Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I read some funny stories last nite& like to share it..
i laugh out loud.

1st story:
My girlfriend broke up with me.She said it's because i was always correcting her.She came over to my house and said, "Eddie,we need to talk." I said "My name is Eric." She said, "See?! i can't say anything right around you."

2nd story:
A man was driving down the street in a lather because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. Looking up to heaven he said, "Lord,take pity on me.if you find me a parking space,i promise to go to church every sunday for the rest of my life and give up swearing."
Miraculuosly,a spot opened right in front of the building.
the man looked up and said, "Never mind, i found one."
(wakakaka.:D buduh pnya lelaki!)

3rd story:
The relief teacher asked her four year old student what his name was "Spiderman."said that boy.
"No i mean your real name,"said the teacher. The boy apologised. "oh im sorry.its Peter Parker."
(hahahahaha.cute bdak nieyh,meshti ckgu dia bengang glak.

4th story:
When he received a journal as a gift,my eight-year old son was mystified. "Mum what do i do with this?the pages are blank."
"You write down interesting stuff that happens to you," i said.
"So, it's like a blog...
(hahah. the boy is alredy modern larr mom!:P)

thats all!



  1. haha yg neh mmg lwk dowh.. hehe mag mn ko dpt jokes neh?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 2nd n 4th mmg lwk
    tp xckp nk wt ak berguling2 ag
